(630) 884-4070

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Elgin Concrete Services

Whenever You Need Quality Concrete Services in Elgin Call the Experts at Custom Concrete at 630-884-4070

Elgin Concrete Services

Elgin Concrete Services

Is your concrete driveway showing signs of wear and tear? Although concrete is a durable building material with lots of benefits and a fine choice for residential or commercial driveways, nothing lasts indefinitely. Replacement or repairs become necessary at some point. Call us if your concrete driveway:

-Is getting up there in years. If the installation date of your driveway was more than about 20 years ago, it’s probably declining and due for replacement soon. You might notice typical signs of wear like staining and crumbling.

-Deepening cracks. Colder weather can be particularly tough on concrete. After going through several years of the freeze/thaw cycle, deep potholes and cracks can start to form and degrade the overall structure. Too many cracks of any type, though, indicate your driveway is likely at the end of its lifespan.

Call Custom Concrete for an estimate on driveway repair or replacement!

Elgin Concrete Services

Residential Concrete
Commercial Concrete
Decorative Concrete Stamping

Basement Flooring Elgin IL

Concrete Contractor Elgin IL

Decorative Concrete Stamping Elgin IL

Elgin Concrete Services

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